Schematics Plus- FAQs

Can SchematicPlus be used as a viewer only for my customers?

YES. After you install the SchematicsPlus tool, RUN it. Then go to the preferences panel and in there you will find a check box which will set VIEWER MODE only. This mode does not require any User Registration. Its use in this mode is FREE.

Can I pre-qualify all my components with an Reference id? For example, C1 for the first capacitor, R1 for the first resistor, etc. I would like these identifiers to given automatically for the scope of the project..

In the library editor for each component you can set the preferred Prefix for the reference designator. Then you use the Annotate command in the Tools menu to sequence the designators. There are many ways to handle this.. Read the documentation for details.

Does Schematics Plus support writing and reading ECO files for just different sub-levels and corresponding lower layers of a system design?

You control the reporting process through the assignment of levels and controlling the levels of descent. Before you start a complex project with this in mind try constructing a simpler project first to get a feel of how the system works.

I have made many connections through labels rather than drawing explicit wires between the nodes (it is more convenient in this case). The problem is, when I try to export an ECO, the software complains that there are multiple nets with the same name. Of course there are, they are supposed to be connected via the label! Is this not allowed when it comes to exporting an ECO? Is there an option which I need to set to allow this?

In your sheet and project preference settings for signals, you need to confirm that they be treated Globally versus Locally.

How do I avoid duplicate designators when using sheets from other designs?

Each sheet is its own entity. When it is combined or reused in different project then this conflict will always surface. This is why there are Update and Annotate options in the Tools menu. Using these options will clear these problems within the new project.

How can I connect pins without drawing the connecting wire?

There is a special symbol known as "Intra-Sheet Interconnect" which is used for such a purpose. You also have the option of dropping some of these signals into a BUSS as well.

I am creating sub-sheets with their power supplies called V+ and V-. Then, I create symbols and connected said power pins to +5V and -5V in the top-level schematic. These Sub-circuit nodes are coming out in the Netlist connected to V+ and V-. How do I get these sub-sheet signals to connect to the correct parent signals?

First you must use PORTS for the power in your sub sheets and then change the sheet prefs for each of the sub-sheets from Global to PORT. Failing to do this will cause the V+ and V- nets to continue to be treated as Global where what you need is that they be treated as inheriting there proper net-names through their PORT connection in the Hierarchy.

I have changed my library location to a server. However, the library browser no longer sees all of the device libraries. How is this fixed?

When you change the Library Path setting in the Preferences, you should enable the Recursive option for the new path. There is a column on the left side of the panel that has a folder icon in the header. Clicking in this column will toggle the Recursive option for the path "ON" or "OFF". This option must be "ON" in order for sub-folders to be searched.

I can't create multi-pins in the library editor anymore. What's wrong?

Check your current library Grid setting. It has to be 6 pixels or more for this feature to operate.

How Can I preserve the Reference designators from the source sheet when pasting into a new design window?

In the project window select the Project Settings Button (upper left) and then select the Components Panel in the dialogue which appears. In this panel put a check mark in the option " Automatically assign designators(unique only to the sheet)."and close the dialogue. Then when you paste a circuit from another window the original reference designators will be used unless they conflict with ones already in-use in the target window. In the later case the conflicting designators will be reassigned.

When you are done it is best to uncheck this option since you will find that in this unchecked mode Schematics Plus will function better and require far less post cleanup as the system will be able to manage the data collection from the global project level, as it should.

I am revising an earlier design which incorporates numerous sheets. I plan to rename many of the sheets for better clarity. Will this break things and if so how do I avoid creating any problems?

If you must change the name of a sheet file, then you need to update all of the references to that file name in all your design(s) which refer to the file under the old name.

For Child sheets, this means double-clicking on the corresponding symbols in the parent sheets and updating the File Name field in the Sub-Sheet panel.

For Top-Level sheets, the project window displays a question-mark (?) icon when it can't find the file using the old name. To fix this, Right-Click the mouse (or Click with the Control Key down) on the icon. A pop-up menu will appear. Choose the "Rename" command from this menu and enter the file's new name. This procedure must be followed in order to allow the existing annotation data in the project file to remain linked with the appropriate sheet file.

It is important to update the file name references as soon as possible after changing a file's name. Annotation data, held in the project file, which has become unlinked from its sheet file will eventually be purged if you open and close the project several times without fixing the file name references. Therefore fix these reference changes immediately to avoid problems.