Can SchematicPlus be used as a viewer only for my customers?
Can I pre-qualify all my components with an Reference id? For example, C1 for the first capacitor, R1 for the first resistor, etc. I would like these identifiers to given automatically for the scope of the project..
Does Schematics Plus support writing and reading ECO files for just different sub-levels and corresponding lower layers of a system design?
I have made many connections through labels rather than drawing explicit wires between the nodes (it is more convenient in this case). The problem is, when I try to export an ECO, the software complains that there are multiple nets with the same name. Of course there are, they are supposed to be connected via the label! Is this not allowed when it comes to exporting an ECO? Is there an option which I need to set to allow this?
How do I avoid duplicate designators when using sheets from other designs?
How can I connect pins without drawing the connecting wire?
I am creating sub-sheets with their power supplies called V+ and V-. Then, I create symbols and connected said power pins to +5V and -5V in the top-level schematic. These Sub-circuit nodes are coming out in the Netlist connected to V+ and V-. How do I get these sub-sheet signals to connect to the correct parent signals?
I have changed my library location to a server. However, the library browser no longer sees all of the device libraries. How is this fixed?
I can't create multi-pins in the library editor anymore. What's wrong?
How Can I preserve the Reference designators from the source sheet when pasting into a new design window?
I am revising an earlier design which incorporates numerous sheets. I plan to rename many of the sheets for better clarity. Will this break things and if so how do I avoid creating any problems?