How do I make the text wrap, so that the carriage return can be part of the text string.
I upgraded to MAC OS-X. Used it to make new schematics and all seems fine. However, I'm having trouble loading old schematics (made with the OS-9 version of the software). Is there a 'secret' to this?
I have a selection of ferrite transformers with different PCB footprints. I've made a primitive primary and secondary and used pack edit to create the mapping of primitive to footprint. I have two pins numbered 11 in the packaged component. The actual footprint has one (1) less pin than the primitive, but I don't want to make a separate primitive for this. So I just mapped two different primitive pins to the same pin in packedit. I don't get an error when packaging, nor do I get an error when importing the component in an eco. But am I asking for some other kind of trouble by doing this (will I get DRC errors or something?).
I can't create multi-pins in the library editor anymore. What's wrong?