McCAD Basic Schematics module
- Operating Systems
- Runs on any computer which supports your choice of system below.
- Macintosh.. System OSX 10.7 thru
- MSWindows.. System Win NT/ 2K/ XP/ Vista/ 7(32)
Revision Series
General Features
- The "user friendly" environment allows rapid acclamation
to computer-aided drafting.
- Multi-sheet documents can be linked to a project file for
which a single net list and parts list can be extracted.
- An on-line Library editor allows you to create new symbols
without leaving the design environment.
- Automatic label sequencing eliminates the problem of conflicting
net names and reference designators.
- The auto-name incrementing feature allows quick connection
when creating break-out wires from busses.
- McCAD Schematics supports "intelligent bussing".
Each bus "knows" what signals it carries. On-line monitoring
avoids accidental misconnections and movement of bus structures
results in automatic update of all break-outs. Busses are automatically
managed across multi-sheet documents.
- Intelligent tie-point management results in fast dynamic
updates when junctions are removed.
- An Auto Interconnect Routing Engine automatically routes
and connects devices across long distances.
- Three interconnection techniques (automatic, semiautomatic
and manual) are supported, allowing flexible and rapid design.
- Device packaging is supported for both single and multiple
sheets. The user can design at the gate or function level and
then let McCAD Schematics package the design into real world
- Drafting speed is enhanced by allowing adjustment of individual
wires while multiple objects are selected.
- Devices and associated text can be rotated during and after
- A Library move and sort program is provided with your
McCAD Schematics package.
Document Import/Export
- ECO - Engineering Change Order manager. Links to McCAD PCB-ST/
EDS Layout packages
- PICT format graphics can be imported and exported via the
- Schematics can be exported in PICT format.
- ASCll database files may be imported and exported.
- User configured report generation.
- Output documents; Schematic drawings, Net list, Wire list,
Parts list, User Reports
- Input Devices; mouse, keyboard, graphics tablet
- Title Block; custom block creation
- Output devices: OS compatible printers, Pen plotters (HPGL
& DMP)
- Zoom and Scaling; 10% to 900%; standard preset and user definable
- Built-in Grids
- Auto Grid - snap to nearest grid
- Builtin DXF Output Format
- Optional OrCAD to McCAD Translator
- Libraries - Thousands of standard components, CMOS, TTL,
Discretes, etc., provided
- On the Fly Library Editor
- Optional Xilinx Libraries
McCAD PCB-ST module
Operating Systems
- Runs on any computer which supports your choice of system below.
- Macintosh.. OSX 10.7 or 10.8.
- MSWindows.. System Win NT/ 2K/ XP/ Vista/ 7(32)
Revision Series
Data Base
- Resolution: 0.001"
- Placement to: 0.001"
- Netlist Driven
- Graphic Input : By Mouse or Tablet
- Number of defined grids: 16
- Variable grids (user definable): 1-1000 mils
- Supports Metric
- Grid Snap
- Off Grid Placement
- Grid Style: Choice of Point or Standard Type
Zoom & Scaling
- Preset view scales; 8
- User determined view scale
- View board command
- Linear Zoom In/Out (surround view)
On-Line Management
- Net Query & Editing
- Part Query & Editing
- Net List connection violations
- E.C.O. (Electronic Change Order) cross environment manager
- Library Footprint Editor Window
- Internal Point to Point low level router
- Optional Mid-Level Router (Tracker)
- Optional High Performance Route (Trailblazer)
- Ground plane generation
- Auto footprint replace
- Automatic inter-layer item movement
- Automatic solder mask creation
- Automatic design rule check
- Net List Compare/ Verify/ Append
- Find utilities: part name, ref designator., net
- Global Modify
- Radial pattern construction Macros
- Element modification after placement
- Element and Footprint Query
- Signal Query
- Data Base Re-Pack
- Data Base Sort
- Easy SMT move to other side of board command
- Custom SMT Macro Generator using Metric and English Specs
- Full DRC - Both Physical and Electrical.. User selectable
- Full design database consistency check
- SMT Power Plane Connection Dispersion Macros
- BGA and PGA array Macro Generator
- Trace Length measurement
- Automatic Drill Table creation
- User control of Text Attribute Visibility
- User control of Deisgn Layer Visibility
- User controlled Reference Designator Resequencing
- Library Optimization and recover tools
Editing tools
- Cut, Copy & Paste
- X Y locator, relative and absolute
- Rulers
- Independant Placement and Routing Grids
- Dynamic Place with optimized on the fly ratnest interconnect
- User assignable layer coloring
- Separate Fabrication and Check Tooling definition panels
- User definable Design Layer Attributing
- User definable layer labeling
- Grouping on the Fly Horizontal & vertical device mirror
- Horizontal & vertical board mirror
- Rubberbanding
- Stretch lines
- Auto VIA insertion
- Inter-Layer Linking for SMT mgmt.
- Auto Net Labeling
- Auto Part Labeling
- Import Via Clipboard
- Export Via Clipboard
- User programmable parameter Menus
- Rotation increments - Standard 90 degree
- Definable rotation increment; 1 degree on most geometries
Design Limits
- Board size limit: 32" x 32"
- Single, double sided and multilayer
- Double sided SMT
- Max board layers per file: 32
- Max board layers (system limit): 32
- User Library size (symbol quantity): 127 per libary file..
unrestricted number of libraries.
- Quantity of library symbols included 4000+; standard and
- Color and Monochrome capabilities
- Normal and vectored fonts
- Text on design
- Text edit on design after placement
- Text on Silkscreen
- Number of Fonts: up to 73 per menu
- Font Rotation
- Font Mirror
- Re-Editable Text Strings
- Mouse
- Graphics Tablet (with system appropriate driver)
- Keyboard
Input Files
- Automatic parts placement
- Automatic net list input
- Net list with auto ground plane connect
- Trailblazer Route File
- Tracker Route File
- ASCll text files
- DXF design files
- Vector PICT (via Clipboard)... Macintosh OS ONLY
Tooling Control
- Printer/plotter composite memories: 30
- User Definable
Output Documents
- Check Plots & Prints
- PWB output: pads, traces, vias and masks on all layers
- Silkscreen
- Net list, parts list output
- Drill list, Excellon drill tape output
- Component location for auto assy equip.( includes GENCAD )
- Trailblazer & Tracker Documents
- ASCll Design Dump
- ASCII Plotter File Dump
- User Library reports
- Save as PICT... Macintosh OS only
- Gerber File for photo plot
- Optional DXF Output
- Mult-Wire, Autotest HP3960, IPC356A and others
- Gencad 1.4 Fabrication document
- DXF format documents
Output Capabilties
- OS compatible Printers with appropriate system drivers
- Gerber Photo Plot
Library Editor
- Custom symbols creation
- On Line Editing
- Separate design window
- User definable
- External libraries
- Several Footprint Macro Windows for easy creation in Metric
or English units
Gerber Translator module
- Supports Gerber 274X and the older 274 D
- Automatically extracts an aperture table of the most frequently
used apertures from the file to be converted.
- Automatic pre-sort and loading of Gerber Tool D-codes based
on either a particular layer or all layers combined.
- Separation of DRAW and FLASH Apertures.
- Up to 800 different Gerber Tool Tables can be stored for
later use or reference.
- Gerber data can be output directly via the printer port or
saved to disk for later use in either VERBOSE or TERSE formats.
- Gerber 2/3 Resolution Format.