Design Capture, Quick, Easy to Use, Accurate, and Powerful
Schematic Plus
is a refreshing change from other difficult to use EDA programs. Schematic
Plus's intuitive
design makes its operation quick and easy.
A completely integrated, modern user interface, circuit design environment, the
Schematics Plus module allows you to quickly and easily capture
your schematic designs. When connected to the optional 3SPICE simulator
you can perform your simulation, and analyze the results using our powerful
signal processor and waveform viewer. You can customize almost everything
in the design environment.
All this and
at an affordable price!
Plus.. Capture/Editor
Whether your task is to create stand-alone circuit diagrams, or to prepare
designs for simulation, Schematic Plus provides you
with an efficient development environment for defining modular circuit
designs either Hierarchically or Flattened. The Project Tree Manager
window allows you to quickly locate any document at any level of your

comes complete with symbol and package libraries containing thousands
of parts and integrated symbol editing.
This full featured schematic editor comes complete with "rubberbanding",
auto-scrolling, zoom, copy/paste/undo, and rotation/flipping of parts.
All the features you would expect, but with the usual intuitive user
interface found in all McCAD software systems.
Device Browser/Chooser
Choose parts from the parts database with an easy to use yet powerful
parts browser. Filter the list down by part name, functional category,
manufacturer, or keyword.
Symbol Editor
Create or edit your own part symbols in the library symbol editor. Symbols
are stored in the program database. This powerful yet simple drawing
program supports rotation, copy/paste, and grid lines.
User Scriptable
In addition to the standard extractions which
include a variety of netlist and parts list formats, Schematic Plus
also comes with a user modifiable Bill of Materials (BOM) report. Since the extractor is fully
scriptable almost any arrangement of data can be extracted and reported
thus making Schematics Plus' collected data reportable to almost any
other tool or data base system.
System Requirements
- Windows NT/ 2k/ XP/ Vista/ 7(32) or
- Macintosh OSX only