General Technical Support
General Technical Support is free for registered
McCAD users.
You are automatically registered when you properly fill out the
Registration Panel in any McCAD product and use it.
There are several ways to get technical support. First, please
take a look at our list of frequently asked questions on this web
site to see whether your particular question has already been answered.
If you are unable to find an answer, you can discuss the problem
with our technical support staff via email.
Also, you might visit our updates area to see if there are any new
releases or updates that have recently become available.
If these steps fail to solve your problem, you can always call us
by phone during our business hours and be routed to tech support.
However, as a non-support subscriber you may have to wait while
support subscribers are handled first.
Optional... Extended Software Support ....
Beyond the general support which is available via email to all registered
users, the professional designer usually requires a more timely
level of product support. Extended Software Support
provides what is needed by most business users today at an extremely
low cost.
Thus if you depend on the software for your daily productivity
then Extended Software Support is in your best
McCAD's Extended Support is cheap insurance against
the inevitable. It's just pennies a day.
The Benefits of subscribing to Extended Support are enormous!
- Product Upgrades are FREE!
- SAVE MONEY by not wasting time using the wrong design
approach!! Ask for advice.
- Get answers... You talk to people who know the answers...
not just a phone bank.
- You have someone to talk to about design issues.*
- Get solutions as quickly as possible.
- Your issues get top priority.
- Make sure that your product development and improvements
continue to move forward.
- Keeps your software tools from becoming legacies!
- Be eligible for special discounts, when available, on
other McCAD products.
To other Frequently Asked Questions
about Extended Support
*Direct phone support is a privilege. You
will be provided with what VAMP considers reasonable.
Support terms are subject to change without