Key Features and Specifications
Operating Systems
- Runs on any computer which supports your choice of system below.
- Macintosh.. System OSX 10.7 or later.
- MSWindows.. System Win NT/ 2K/ XP/ 7 (32)
Version Series
Data Base
- Resolution: 0.001"
- Placement to: 0.001"
- Netlist Driven
- Graphic Input : By Mouse or Tablet
- Number of defined grids: 16
- Variable grids (user definable): 1-1000 mils
- Supports Metric
- Grid Snap
- Off Grid Placement
- Grid Style: Choice of Point or Standard Type
Zoom & Scaling
- Preset view scales; 8
- User determined view scale
- View board command
- Linear Zoom In/Out (surround view)
On-Line Management
- Net Query & Editing
- Part Query & Editing
- Net List connection violations
- E.C.O. (Electronic Change Order) cross environment manager
- Library Editor Window
- Internal Point to Point low level router
- Optional Mid-Level Router (Tracker)
- Optional High Performance Route (Trailblazer)
- Ground plane generation
- Auto footprint replace
- Automatic inter-layer item movement
- Automatic solder mask creation
- Automatic design rule check
- Net List Compare/ Verify/ Append
- Find utilities: part name, ref desig., net
- Global Modify
- Radial pattern construction Macros
- Element modification after placement
- Data Base Re-Pack
- Data Base Sort
- Custom SMT Macro Generator
- Full DRC - Both Physical and Electrical
- SMT Power Plane Connection Dispersion Macros
Editing tools
- Cut, Copy & Paste
- X Y locator, relative and absolute
- Rulers
- Grouping on the Fly Horizontal & vertical device mirror
- Horizontal & vertical board mirror
- Rubberbanding
- Stretch lines
- Auto VIA insertion
- Inter-Layer Linking for SMT mgmt.
- Auto Net Labeling
- Auto Part Labeling
- Import Via Clipboard
- Export Via Clipboard
- User programmable parameter Menus
- Rotation increments - Standard 90 degrees
- Definable rotation increment; 1 degree on most geometries
Design Limits
- Board size limit: 32" x 32"
- Single, double sided and multilayer
- Double sided SMT
- Max board layers per file: 32
- Max board layers (system limit): 32
- User Library size (symbol quantity): 127 /lib
- Quantity of library symbols included 4000+; standard and SMT
- Color with color chooser, and Monochrome capabilities
- Normal and vectored fonts
- Text on design
- Text edit on design after placement
- Text on Silkscreen
- Number of Fonts: up to 73
- User Definable Fonts: 73
- Font Rotation
- Font Mirror
- Re-Editable Text Strings
- Mouse
- Graphics Tablet (via ADB or USB)
- Keyboard
Input Files
- Automatic parts placement
- Automatic net list input
- Net list with auto ground plane connect
- Trailblazer Route File
- Tracker Route File
- ASCII text Design files
- ASCII text Library Files from vendors conforming to IPC-7351
- Vector PICT (via Clipboard File I/0 on Macintosh)
- DXF file import
Tooling Control
- Printer/plotter composite memories: 30
- User Definable
Output Documents
- Check Plots & Prints
- PWB output: pads, traces, vias and masks on all layers
- Silkscreen
- Net list, parts list output
- Drill list, Excellon drill tape output
- Component location for auto assy equip.
- Trailblazer & Tracker Documents
- ASCll Design Dump
- ASCll Library Dump
- ASCII Plotter File Dump .. HPGL & DMP
- User Library reports
- Save as PICT
- Gerber File for photo plot
- DXF Output
- Mult-Wire Autotest HP3960
- GenCAD 1.4
- IPC-356
Output Drivers
- OS compatible Printers
- Gerber Photo Plot
Library Editor
- Custom symbols creation
- On Line Editing
- Separate design window
- User definable
- External user libraries
- Optional...3rd party Libraries from www.pcblibraries.com